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Google Code-In with FOSSASIA

23 Deceber 2015

Google Code-in

Google code-in is a boot camp for youngsters to the open source world. FOSSASIA with its goal of inspiring and uniting communities across borders and ages is participating as a mentoring organization for the second time this year. Abiding by the philosophy of Free Open Source Software (FOSS),FOSSASIA brings people together to share, create, develop and make things with Open Technologies and software. It also endorses its commitment to the open source world by organizing Coding Programs, Developer Meetups & Software and Hardware Development Conferences.

This Google Code-in I am fortunate to be mentored by experienced FOSSASIA mentors. It has been a great learning experience up till now, each task has triggered the inquisitive function inside me and motivated me to explore more and more. The task I enjoyed the most yet was the one which involved making a World-Distance Calculator (Task#2), this was the first time where I applied Math and Computer Science to make something remarkable. Task #2 turned out to be more than a task and has provided me with a completely new outlook of learning things and specially Physics & Math. We are being taught Simple Harmonic Motion at school, and the fact that now I am aware about the utility of Computer Science to simulate such phenomenon makes me even more intrigued to learn such concepts and apply them through Computer Science. Moreover, I have started working on making a SHM simulator and also aim at making use of Computer Science to simulate Math functions and Physics phenomenon as often as possible. There are times when we are taught some function in Math but fail to understand its practical use, this is a global problem. Task #2 made me realize that making something out of what you know through code can improve one’s understanding of concepts by ten folds.

Fig1. - Screen shot of the Web App made for Task#2

Furthermore, the open source philosophy and the culture at FOSSASIA has inspired me to emulate and foster the open source culture at my school’s Computer Club: Turing Fraternity. Today, I taught my juniors how to use git & github and got them kickstarted to FOSS with the hope of seeing them as contributors to the open source one day. It has been and will continue to be an enlightening experience at FOSSASIA ; I hope I make the most out this opportunity and learn as much as I can.

Turing Fraternity's GOC

23 Deceber 2015


Turing Fraternity, the computer club of Jayshree Periwal International School is organizing Game of Codes 2015 the Annual Inter-School Technology Symposium in the third week of January, 2015. Named after Mr. Alan Turing, widely regarded as the father of theoretical computer science and artificial intelligence, the Turing Fraternity was founded with the novel goal of providing a platform for the Tech enthusiasts to meet, socialize and evaluate their skills.

For the technology minded young persons in Rajasthan, the Turing Fraternity with its aim of developing a Tech Culture in this desert state, shines as a welcome beacon of light.  The organization serves as a portal for drawing inspiration and support for the average geek. The annual Tech symposium titled the Games of Codes serves to quench the tech thirst of a geek, much as the Olympics does for the Sports minded and the Model United Nations does for  a nascent  diplomat. This will be the club’s first ever event and I am more than excited to make it happen. For more information about the event, log on to the the club’s website.